Predictors of Religiosity among High School Adolescents of La Consolacion University Philippines

Author Details

Christian C. Catindig

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Published: 17 July 2019 | Article Type :


This study aimed at investigating predictors of religiosity among high school adolescents of La Consolacion University Philippines. To achieve the researcher’s aim, he randomly used sample of 354 Senior High School Grade 11 students studying at La Consolacion University Philippines in the academic year 2018- 2019. The “National Survey for Youth” developed by Marjorie Linder Gunnoe and Kristin A. Moore and Religiosity Practices Inventory (RPI) questionnaire established by Joseph Hage with the permission from the Universal Religious Inventory (URPI) questionnaire were administered to reveal the demographic profile and the level of religiosity of the respondents, respectively. The collected data were analyzed and treated statistically through the use of percentage and analysis of regression to establish the power of the factors as predictors of religiosity through the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) statistical tool of the study. The findings reveals that Attendance to religious service, attendance to recollection, attendance to religious talks and families’ religious practices are good predictors of religiosity while age, gender, religious preference, religious training, parents religious preference, membership to religious organization, school in terms of religious aspect, school preference, attendance to mass/Eucharistic celebration, families’ attendance to religious services and parenting style are not significant predictors of religiosity among High School Adolescents of LCUP. The study suggests that students’ participation in religious programs and activities be enhanced by identifying their authentic needs and interest so that active involvement and commitment may be realized.

Keywords: Adolescents, Students Demographic Profiles, Predictors of Religiosity, Pedagogical Implications.

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How to Cite


Christian C. Catindig. (2019-07-17). "Predictors of Religiosity among High School Adolescents of La Consolacion University Philippines." *Volume 3*, 3, 1-8